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spoon of blade

См. также в других словарях:

  • spoon — [1] A tire iron tool used to remove a tire (especially a bicycle or motorcycle tire) from its rim. Usually two or three spoons are necessary to do the job. Using a flat blade screwdriver instead of a spoon may puncture the tube. [2] See body… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • spoon — n. & v. n. 1 a a utensil consisting of an oval or round bowl and a handle for conveying food (esp. liquid) to the mouth, for stirring, etc. b a spoonful, esp. of sugar. c (in pl.) Mus. a pair of spoons held in the hand and beaten together… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Spoon oar — Oar Oar ([=o]r), n [AS. [=a]r; akin to Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aare, Sw. [*a]ra; perh. akin to E. row, v. Cf. {Rowlock}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An implement for impelling a boat, being a slender piece of timber, usually ash or spruce, with a grip or handle …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spoon oar — noun : an oar having the blade so curved as to afford a better hold upon the water in rowing * * * spoon oar, an oar which is slightly curved lengthwise at the end of its broad blade …   Useful english dictionary

  • spoon — noun 1》 an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food.     ↘(spoons) a pair of spoons held in the hand and beaten together rhythmically as a percussion instrument. 2》… …   English new terms dictionary

  • blade bait — 1) in angling, any spinner or spoon with a rotating blade 2) a weighted, fish shaped blade with a swinging hook, designed for fishing deep …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • spoon excavator — a dental excavator having a spoonlike blade with the entire margin tapered and sharpened to cut carious dentin out of tooth cavities. Called also spoon …   Medical dictionary

  • spring beating spoon — A light pressed steel blade designed specially for beating on ridges; the spoon is placed directly on the ridge and sharp blows with a hammer are delivered to the back of the spoon, spreading the force over a large area …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Indiana blade — in angling, a type of spinner or spoon blade, oblong in shape and intermediate between a Colorado, q.v., and willowleaf, q.v., blade in action …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Colorado blade — in angling, the basic rounded blade pattern of a spinner or spoon. Produces the most vibration and is good at night or in murky water …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • French blade — in angling, a type of spoon or spinner blade with a raised dome, highly polished with a strong reflective quality and a tendency not to lift the rig …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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